eTRIKS Consortium members are playing an important part as they provide a whole set of skills, essentials to the developement of the project. Details about the different partners are showcased below.
Partner 1: AstraZeneca
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Eva Lindgren (Co-Coordinator)
Role in / Contribution to the Consortium: AstraZeneca is the overall Project Coordinator, the leader of WP5 (Governance and Business Models) building on experience in forming the eTRIKS consortia over the last 18 months. In addition AZ will participate in WP2, 3, 6 and 7 contributing internal expertise in developing and delivering internal translational informatics platforms (including tranSMART) and supporting translational Drug Discovery projects.
Expertise: Project leadership, Translational medicine platforms; Knowledge management; Data management; Data mining and Information standards.
Partner 2: Imperial College London
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Professor Yike Guo (Managing Entity)
Role in / Contribution to the Consortium: Imperial College is the overall academic project coordinator, the leader of WP2 and participates in WP1, 3, 4, 5, 6. It builds on its expertise in deploying tranSMART on the IC-cloud platform in the IMI U-BIOPRED project and also on its experience in developing knowledge management and data analytics tools within other projects such as Discovery Net and BAIR, to lead the design and implementation of the eTRIKS platform and its service delivery. The key members of the group have a long history in working with tranSMART system and have contributed to many translational medicine projects worldwide. Expertise: Cloud computing systems; Translational medicine platforms; Knowledge management; Data management; Data mining.
Partner 3: University of Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (UL)
Technical/Scientific Lead: Prof Reinhard Schneider
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: UL is leader of WP4 and participates in WP1, 2, 3, 5, 6; UL will mainly be involved in the data services, especially in the curation support to load historic and active studies into the system. In addition the UL will be involved in the knowledge curation of literature results and the design of the analysis workflows, the development of new tools for the analytics of the data, and will be a mirror site.
Expertise: Analysis of omics data; Image analysis and visualization; Text mining; Data curation; Data integration; Knowledge management; Computational biology; Network modelling; Systems biomedicine; Preclinical models.
Partner 4: IDBS
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Laurence Painell
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: IDBS will lead WP3, participate in WP2, 4 and 6, and provide input on translational medicine market needs, commercial software development processes to support regulated environments, know-how in interfacing with commercial LIMS and ELN; Provision of training, on-site deployment and support services.
Expertise: Translational medicine platforms, Knowledge management, Data management, Software engineering and quality control, Data mining, Bioinformatics
Partner 5: BioSci Consulting
Technical Lead: Dr Scott Wagers, MD Collaboration Moderator, exploitation, dissemination
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Community building and engagement, lead WP6, Governance and moderation of the collaborative effort, project infrastructure, conference call and meeting facilitation.WP5.
Expertise/Experience: Collaboration Moderation, Dissemination, Exploitation, eCollabortion platforms, Management of large multi-centre translational research projects.
Partner 6: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Scientific / Technical Leader: Dr Charles Auffray, Co-lead: Ghita Rahal
Role in / Contribution to the Consortium: Dr Ghita Rahal: lead of WP1 and participation in WP2, WP6: development of cloud computing infrastructure and services; Dr Charles Auffray: lead of WP7: ethics; participation in WP4: translational research analytics; WP5: governance (member of Executive Committee) WP6: outreach to IMI and non-IMI projects. Experience/Expertise: Functional genomics; Systems biology; Data analysis; Data integration; Network modelling; Public-private partnerships; Computer grid services; Cloud computing infrastructure; Relational database management; Data Centre.
Partner 7: Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC)
Scientific/Technical Lead: Paul Houston
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: CDISC will co-lead (along with IDBS) and contribute to WP3: Standards Research and Coordination. CDISC is well-recognized for its expertise in developing global standards specifically to support biomedical research, while working with other. Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) in the healthcare arena to encourage and implement harmonization practices to link healthcare and research standards. CDISC has a Liaison A status with ISO TC 215 for healthcare standards and currently leads the Joint Initiative Council (JIC) for Global Healthcare Standards Harmonization, comprised of CDISC, CEN, GS1, HL7, IHTSDO and ISO. CDISC also has an MOU with IMI through which there is an agreement that CDISC standards will be used for IMI Knowledge Management (KM). If needed, there will be cross collaboration to develop any new standards needed to support IMI KM. Additionally, CDISC is working as a partner organization on several other IMI projects – EHR4CR and BIOVACSAFE – and is also supporting DDMoRe. The CDISC Standards Development Process is well established and has been used over a decade for development of CDISC’s core standards for “safety data” i.e. data that is common across clinical research studies and pre-clinical/non-clinical studies. CDISC standards also support some pharmacogenomics information and PK/PD data. Development is currently underway for “efficacy data” standards for Alzheimer’s disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Hepatitis-C, Kidney Disease, Oncology, Parkinson’s disease, Pain/Analgesia and Tuberculosis. CDISC is working on partnerships across Asia, Europe and North America to address many additional disease areas in the next 4-5 years. Through a partnership with the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS), CDISC standards include controlled terminology sets. In addition, there has been significant work over the past 2 years to refine and standardize metadata toward creating an electronic standards library known as SHARE or Shared Health and Research Electronic Library.
Expertise/Experience: Clinical and biomedical standards development, coordination and utilisation.
Partner 8: Janssen Pharmaceutica NV (JPNV)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Francisco Bonachela Capdevila, Ph.D.
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: WP contributions in WP1: Platform Delivery, WP2: Platform Development, WP4: Analytics Research & Content Curation, WP5: Governance and Business Models, WP 6: Community Engagement & Outreach (EFPIA Leader) WP7: Ethics.
Expertise: Janssen are the original developers of the tranSMART platform as its own internal translational research platform. They have subsequently made this available as an open source project.
Partner 9: Roche
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Michael Braxenthaler, PhD
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Roche will serve as the EFPIA lead in WP3 (Standards) and will participate in WP2, 4, 6 and 7. Roche will contribute scientific and technical know-how in the areas of TR platform development, curation and standardization of research data, biomedical analytics methods and pipelines, and ethics.
Expertise: Disease and translational informatics, biomedical data and knowledge management, biomedical data curation, collaboration management.
Partner 10: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Samiul Hasan, PhD
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Merck Serono will co-lead WP4, participate in WP2, 3 and 7, and provide input on data curation, analytics, and standards/ontology.
Expertise: Knowledge management; Data curation; Data and text-mining; Visual analytics.
Partner 11: SARD (Sanofi)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Dr Manfred Hendlich
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Sanofi will co-lead WP2 and WP4, participate in WP 3, 6 and 7. Sanofi will provide inputs and resources on IT development excellence, and complex data integration, data curation and analytics tool expertise;
Expertise: Translational medicine platforms; Data integration; Software engineering; Bioinformatics.
Partner 12: Bayer AG (Bayer)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: David Henderson, Ph.D.
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Bayer will provide scientific support (1.5 FTE) for WP4 and will contribute to WP7 as EFPIA co-leader. In WP4, Bayer will provide clinical and translational science know-how for the curation and analysis of data from pre-clinical and clinical studies. We shall draw on our broad experience in global drug development to support activities in development of the ethical support of the eTRIKS platform through WP7.
Expertise: Cell and molecular biology; Clinical pharmacology; Translational medicine; Design, conduct and interpretation of clinical trials.
Partner 13: Merck Serono (ME)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Andreas Tielmann
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Merck Serono will co-lead WP4, participate in WP2, 3 and 7, and provide input on data curation, analytics, and standards/ontology.
Expertise: Knowledge management; Data curation; Data and text-mining; Visual analytics.
Partner 14: Pfizer
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Jay Bergeron (Co-coordinator)
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: Pfizer will co-lead WP2 and participate in WP6 and WP7
Expertise: Software Engineering; Software Program Management; Bioinformatics; Data management; Data Analysis.
Partner 15: Eli Lilly and Company Limited (LLY)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Derek Marren
Role in /Contribution to the Consortium: Eli Lilly will co-lead WP3 and WP6, participate in WP 7, and provide input on semantic applications, standards/ontologies, curation, business analytics, outreach, communication strategy and community engagement ensuring an end-user scientist perspective is factored into the design and roll-out.
Expertise: Semantic Web applications and architecture; BigData/LinkedData visualisations (faceted browser); Knowledge management; Data management; Bioinformatics; Social Media Strategies and Platforms; Business Models and StartUps.
Partner 16: H. Lundbeck A/S (LUB)
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: WP contributions in WP 2: Platform Development, WP4: Analytics Research & Content Curation, WP5: Governance and Business Models, WP 6: Community Engagement & Outreach.
Expertise: Knowledge management; Technology & innovation management; Open source; Behavoural neuroscience; In vivo pharmacology; Translational research; Experimental design, Conduct and interpretation of data; Bridging disciplines.
Partner 17: University of Oxford (UOXF)
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Dr Susanna-Assunta Sansone
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: UOXF participates in WP2, 3 and 4, and will build on its expertise in community standards and their implementation and use in data collection, curation and subsequent sharing and re-use in analysis and integration platforms.
UOXF will also bring into eTRIKS the ISA and BioSharing activities, already embedded into many funded projects, and with a growing user base and networks of collaborations, including with data producers, consumers and service providers in the academic and commercial arena, and data publishers.
Expertise: Data curation, data management, data standards, software development, semantic web and training.
Name of Scientific / Technical Leader: Dr Charles Auffray
Role in/ Contribution to the Consortium: WP5: governance (member of Executive Committee), WP6: outreach to IMI and non-IMI projects.
Expertise: Functional genomics; Systems biology; Data analysis; Data integration; Data visualisation; Network modelling; Disease maps; Disease networks; Public-private partnerships